12 juin 20182 min de lecture
The Fraisier
It's the kind of cake that will impress your friends once it's on the table. So here's the recipe of The Fraisier, for 6 persons....
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12 juin 20181 min de lecture
Kosher in Yaffo at Café Yaffo
Believe it or not, eating kosher in Tel Aviv - Yaffo is actually harder than it seems. Either you know the places or you're going to...
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9 juin 20181 min de lecture
The Original FatandFuriousTLV Banana Bread
I happened to become famous among my friends for this cake. Always asked to bake this one, no matter the event. It's the perfect cake for...
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9 juin 20181 min de lecture
Only Eggs In Benedict ?
I always thought that Bene(gg?)dict was only about eggs. Well, don't be fooled by their name, they excel in the art of pancakes. ...
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