You always wanted to impress your friends and family at the Shabbat table with your homemade challah ? Well now you can !
Ingredients :
510g of flour
60g of oil
60g of sugar
1 egg
190g of warm water
15g of fresh yeast
An oven
👍🏻 First put the yeast in the water, mix and let it sit for about 10 minutes
Tip: You can add a pinch of sugar in the water. It will make the activation of the yeast more obvious by creating foam at the surface of the water.
✌🏻In a big bowl, put together the flour, the oil, the sugar, and the egg and mix for 5 minutes
🤘🏻Put slowly the water/yeast mix in the bowl and keep mixing until your dough is smooth and elastic. Form a ball with the dough, put plastic wrap on the top of bowl an let it rest in a warm environnement for about 1 h
See in the picture what it's supposed to look like.
Tip: Warm your oven a little bit, turn it off and let your dough rest there.
🖖🏻Time for breading ! You’re the artist here ! Divide you’re dough ball in ropes (can go from 1 to 6) and start breading it.
Below a few example of different breading : Crown with 4, Long with 2, Long with 4.
Once you’re satisfied with your bread, LET IT REST FOR ANOTHER 30 MINUTE / HOUR.
🖐🏻Preheat your oven to 180°C. Brush your dough with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds. (Or whatever seeds you like on top). It’s ready to go for 18-20 minutes
Hope you’ll be happy with your challah next shabbat ! 🍷don't forget to tag me on you're challah pictures on Instagram or use the hashtag #fatandfurioustlv ! I want to see the results ! 🤘🏻